Do you ship worldwide?

I only ship within the UK at the moment.

Where do you ship from?

Everything is packed and shipped from my home studio in Derbyshire, UK.

What postal company do you use to ship your products?

I ship all my products via Royal Mail First Class Tracked 24 hour post. I'll always send you the tracking number in your order despatch notification.

Do you use recyclable packaging?

Yes absolutely! I use biodegradable cellophane bags for my A4 and A3 prints. All envelopes and cardboard frame boxes are recyclable as well as the self-adhesive paper tape which is also recyclable.

When will you despatch my order?

I aim to despatch your order the next day. If you order on a Saturday, your order will be despatched on Monday. If you have ordered a personalised print, I aim to despatch this within 2-3 days from the start of the order and once you have approved the print.

Are you able to accept returns?

I'm not able to accept returns on my products once these have been despatched. This also includes personalised prints.

If you change your mind on an order before this is despatched and would like to cancel and a receive a full refund, I can do this within 24 hours of receiving the order. Please notify me here with your name and order number. I will then process your refund and you will receive the refund back on your original payment method within 5 working days depending on your card issuers processing time.

If your order arrives damaged, I am happy to replace this for you free of charge. Please contact me here with your name, order number and I can send a replacement to you within 24 hours.
